Free Blackjack Games 2020 - Play blackjack FREE with our instant, no registration games. Enjoy 60+ of the best blackjack games (choose from many variants). Want to beat blackjack? It all starts with learning how to play. In this video, professional Blackjack players Colin Jones and 'Loudon Ofton' break down the.

So, you’ve finally arrived in Las Vegas, and you’re on your way to the casino. How prepared are you to make your bankroll last the entire trip at the blackjack table?

Learn Blackjack Fast

My 12-minute blackjack pro will be your blackjack guide for the ride from the airport to the casino.

Rules to Know

Simplicity is one of the fundamental aspects as to why real money blackjack enjoys such stellar popularity.

Blackjack is essentially a game to 21 without going over. The game is played with 1 or more standard decks of 52 playing cards.

It’s important to note that the number of decks used in a game can significantly impact the game, but I’ll cover that later.

The numbered cards 2 thru 10 are played at face value. Jacks, Queens, and Kings are all worth 10, and Aces can be worth 1 or 11.

Your objective is simple, to get closer to 21 than the dealer without going over. A natural 21 is called a “Blackjack.”

Blackjack pays 3:2, which means you’ll make $15 on a $10 bet instead of the normal even money payout. Pay attention to the table rules; some casinos only pay 6:5 for a blackjack.

You never want to play blackjack on a 6:5 table. The decreased payout on a blackjack drastically alters the house’s edge over the longterm.

Other table rules will be clearly posted on the table for you as well. These can include things like “Insurance pays 2:1” or “Dealer Stays on Soft 17”.

While the house standing on a soft 17 can be advantageous for the player, you should never take the insurance bet. Insurance in blackjack is for suckers unless you’re hole carding. Hole carding is when you can catch a peek at the dealer’s hole card or face down card. It can be a quite profitable tactic when you’re at a table with a sloppy dealer.

Learn Blackjack Game

Each player and the dealer are dealt 2 cards to create their starting hand. The players get 2 cards face up while the dealer gets 1 card face up and the other face down.

With the dealer being 12 o’clock, the action then goes clockwise. Each player may hit or stay, and the action progresses to the next player.

The hand concludes with the dealer completing their hand and collecting losing bets, and paying the winners.

Establishing a Blackjack Vocabulary

Casinos and gambling have a language all their own. The ins and outs of playing blackjack isn’t any different, and most of the terminology you’ll hear at the blackjack table should be at least vaguely familiar.

Let’s take a little refresher to keep you feeling and sounding sharp on the casino floor. Here are some of the key phrases you’re going to be using shortly.

Stand: To stand is to elect not to draw any additional cards. You’re essentially banking that your hand is strong enough to beat the dealer as it stands. You can gesture this to the dealer by waving an open hand palm down over your cards.

Hit: If a player wishes to draw more cards, they hit. Once a player hits, they may then stand or hit again. A player that hits and exceeds 21 has “bust” and automatically loses. In casino blackjack, a player must indicate a hit to the dealer by tapping or scratching the table near their cards.

Split: If you’re dealt 2 of the same card, i.e., Aces, you may split the hand. You’ll place a second bet equal to your initial wager, and the dealer will split the hand and deal another card to your first card. You then play that hand independently. Once the hand is complete, you’ll receive a second card for the split’s remaining card and play that hand. Make a mental note that there are tables that will allow you to split any 2 cards. This can be beneficial to the player if the cards are right.

Double Down: I love doubling down. Of Course, only when it’s the best play. Doubling down is when you place a separate bet equal to your first bet in exchange for drawing only 1 card. Some games only allow you to double down on certain hands like 11, but others will allow you to double down on any 2 cards.

Keep these terms and their meanings in mind as you hit the casino floor, but never hesitate to ask the dealer if you ever have a question at the table.

Learn Blackjack Strategy

The Basics of Blackjack Betting

The initial step to placing your first bet on blackjack is finding the right game. Obviously, you’ll need to find a table with the proper limits to accommodate your casino gambling bankroll.

After you’ve found the right table limits, you need to check a few other boxes. The first being blackjack paying 3:2; don’t even break stride if you see 6:5.

Why not?

Imagine you’re playing $50 per hand on a 3:2 table. Every time you get a blackjack, you win $75. Conversely, the same blackjack on a 6:5 table pays you $60.

Next, try finding a table that uses as few decks as possible. This is imperative for even the most novice card counters; the fewer cards in play, the easier to keep a good count.

Once you’re confident that you’ve found a player-friendly table, have a seat and place your chip or chips in the bets circle on the table.

You’ve done it! You’re playing blackjack, but there are some other things you’ll want to know.

Table Ettiquette Musts

When you take your seat at the table, allow the hand in progress to be completed before doing anything. Once the hand is completed, you may place your cash on the table and slide it toward the dealer, telling them you’d like change.

Learn To Play Blackjack

The dealer will then place your chips in front of you. Don’t make the foolish mistake of trying to hand the cash to the dealer. Dealers aren’t allowed to take cash in hand; it must be on the table.

Move your chips close to the table’s edge in front of you and place your wager in the bet box. Make sure you don’t touch your chips once the cards have been dealt.

Some players will try to stack their bet when dealt a good hand. Even if you have the best of intentions, this will draw the attention of security, the dealer, and the pit boss.

Clearly, you don’t want to be on any of their bad sides.

Also, remember to tip your dealer. How you chose to go about this is a personal decision. I prefer to make a bet for the dealer; many others will simply tip the dealer after they’ve colored up and are leaving the table.

Of course, you can simply place a chip on the table anytime and let the dealer know it’s for them. An entire article could be written about tipping etiquette. Still, all that really matters is that you give something for the effort.

I suggest tipping 1 bet amount every hour. So, if you’ve been betting $10 per hand, a $10 chip is plenty.

Use Basic Strategy on Every Hand

Learn Blackjack Free Online

If you ignore 99% of what I’m giving you, pay attention to this. Buy a basic strategy chart for blackjack and use it for every hand you play.

Basic blackjack strategy is the culmination of millions of computer-generated hands and how to play each one based on the dealer’s upcard.

This amazing formula can reduce the casino’s edge to as low as 0.5% in some games. If you land on the right table, you can actually gain a minuscule advantage over the casino. That advantage will guarantee you a profit in the longterm, but you must strictly follow the basic strategy guidelines.

Don’t stress that you haven’t spent years pouring over the data and memorizing detailed calculations on playing a soft 15 against a dealer’s 6 upcard.

You can purchase the detailed charts in the casino’s gift shop for a few dollars. That’s right; the casinos know all about basic strategy.

You can even use your basic strategy card at the table as long as you’re not slowing down the game. I suppose it follows the old adage, “If you can’t beat them, join them.”


Blackjack is a favorite for many casino gamblers, and I’m confident it will quickly become one of your go-to games. After all, you’re a 12-minute blackjack pro.

Remember to be kind to your dealer and follow basic strategy. The blackjack guide for the ride from the airport to the casino has you set up for success.