9.2 Downtown 1930s Mafia is the place, where gangs fight for their territories. It is the time of the black market, bank robbery, smuggling, illegal alcohol, and raids. Gambling (illegal gambling racket) Walkthrough Mafia III Guide. But to ensure yourself with 'immunity' for the duration of 2 minutes, you will have to sacrifice one marker. Alternatively, you can eliminate the 3-4 nearby police officers and, in order to avoid being spotted and avoid the arrival of reinforcements. HACKENSACK - Forty-five people have been arrested in three states and $2 million cash seized in what investigators are calling a large-scale criminal enterprise involving gambling, money. Reports indicate that the mafia relies heavily on German online gambling sites to launder money. The police are powerless in the situation due to unclear laws, which the European Court of Justice. No user score yet - Be the first to review! Would you like to write a review? Summary: Welcome to the Criminal Town full of gangsters and mafioso. Test your luck in dangerous mafia Blackjack tournament also known as twenty-one.

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It can take many years to become a made member in the Mafia, but In order to become a 'Made Man' which is a fully initiated member in the Mafia, you have to commit a murder or in some cases many murders. Once you become a made man or fully initiated member of the Mafia, you are in it for life, the only way out is death.


Associates are not made members of the Mafia, but they work for the Mafia. Associates cannot turn down an order from the Mafia. If the Mafia gives them an order they have to follow it, and they can never refuse or they may be killed. Associates are employed as drivers, bodyguards, hitmen, enforcers, errand boys, or money collectors for high-ranking members of the Mafia. Associates are either good money-makers or good hitmen for the Mafia. Associates must give at least 30% of their weekly earnings to the Captains. Associates can be of any ethnicity, but those not of Italian descent cannot advance any further and actually be inducted into a Mafia family. A notable exception is the Chicago Outfit, which has had soldiers and Made Men that were of German, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Jewish, Polish, Irish, English, or Hispanic descent. Nevertheless, non-Italian associates such as Meyer Lansky can still be very influential.


The Soldiers, Wiseguy's, Men of Honor, Untouchables, or Made men are lowest-ranking members of the Mafia, the grunts of the organization, generally sticking out their neck in the hope of making a name for themselves by demonstrating their loyalty to the organization and boss and protecting the organization at all costs. Soldiers are used to commit murder, beatings, torture, assassinations, bombing, arson, kidnapping, extortion, death threats, blackmailing, bribery, witness intimidation, jury intimidation, and extortion. They are the workers for the organization that work the streets making a lot of money and killing a lot of people for the bosses and the organization. They only have two jobs which is make a'lot of money and kill a'lot of people for the boss and the organization. It could take years to become a made man or soldier in a crime family, but to do it you must be full-blooded Italian, you must be a great moneymaker, you have to be able to commit murder with ease, you have to have honor, respect and loyalty to the organization and your fellow members, and you have to live by a code of silence, honor, and secrecy. To become a made man or soldier you must commit a murder or several murders, you have to be full-blooded Italian, and you must be vouched for by at least two high-ranking members of the crime family. The initiation ceremony involves significant ritual, oaths, blood and agreement is made to follow the rules, policies and traditions of the Mafia as presented to the inductee. takes place by all of the captains, the underboss, the consigliere and the boss present wearing tuxedos. You have to rub together with your hands a picture of a burning saint and vow to never betray the organization or your fellow members, your must take an Oath of Omerta ('May i burn in hell for all eternity if i betray the organization or my friends'), which is Italian for an Oath of silence and secrecy to never admit the existence of the Mafia, never betray the organization or your fellow members, always be loyal to the organization and your fellow members, kill for the organization, and be willing to die for the organization, always be willing to protect the organization and your fellow members at all costs, and always put the organization first above everything, including god and your own family. As a soldier you must be willing to always put the crime family above everything and anything, even if your wife is about to give birth, or you mother, father, wife, or children is on their deathbeds, or your at the funerals, you must drop everything to serve the boss and the crime family. Once you become a made man you are a member for life and the only way out is death.


El Capitan, Capo, Caporegime, or Captain, the Caporegime is a captain of a large crew of soldiers, hitmen and associates. The captain heads a large crew of anywhere from 15 to 3,000 soldiers, hitmen and associates and can order them to do absolutely anything, The captains report directly to the boss or underboss who hands down the orders, directions and instructions. He is very powerful and has the power to order his crew to do anything and everything he desires. The Captains only has to answer to the boss, consigliere, or underboss, the captain has total power and control over his crew of soldiers and associates, who does absolutely anything the Captain commands. The Captain must receive at least 30% to 40% of his soldiers and associates weekly earnings, and the Captains kicks up 15% to 25% depending on how lucrative the operation, scheme or business is, he kicks up to the bosses and keeps the rest for himself. Most Captains are very rich and powerful men due to their soldiers and associates making them so much money and a daily basis. The Captains job is too keep the soldiers, hitmen and associates in line, keep the money flowing to the boss on a weekly basis, and bribe politicians, law enforcement and government officials so they can run their operations and businesses freely without any interference from federal agencies. The Captains have to report directly to the underboss twice a week, and to the boss once a month to inform them on the operations, businesses and the soldiers, hitmen and associates. The Captain is in charge of keeping his crew under control and in line. If any of the soldiers, hitmen or associates were to cause any kind of problems for the organization then the captain must report to the underboss. Most Captains are multi-millionaires and some are even billionaires. In cases like Paul Vario and Michael Franzese they became multi-billionaires, and were two of the wealthiest and most powerful captains in American Mafia history.

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Mafia 2 gambling sites

The consigliere, or chief advisor, or counselor, is the Bosses right-hand man and trusted confidant. The Consigliere is very powerful in the organization, and he plays one of the most important roles in a crime family. He is a close and trusted friend and confidant of the family boss for strategic information, diplomatic counsel, and sound advice. The Consigliere is the mediator of disputes within the crime family and often acts as a representative or aide for the organization in meetings with other crime families, rival crime families, and important business associates. The Consigliere's job is too bribe politicians, law enforcement and government officials to protect the organization, and to be a consultant to the crime family, and use his diplomacy to keep the underlings, such as the captains, soldiers, and associates in line. The Consigliere is someone who the Boss trusts and goes to for advice, counsel or information regarding the organization, finances, operations, politics, rules, grievances, disputes, or businesses. The Consigliere is meant to offer unbiased information based on what he sees as best for the crime family. He’s normally incredibly intelligent, clever, diplomatic, intuitive, ruthlessly efficient, sophisticated, rational, resourceful, perceptive, and astute, and he is normally a clever talker, resourceful thinker, and diplomatic advisor. Unlike the underboss, the consigliere is chosen solely for his abilities and the amount of vast knowledge and intellect, and incredible intelligence he possesses. Generally, only the boss and underboss have more authority than the consigliere in a crime family. The Consigliere is very powerful in the command hierarchy, he is the third in command.


The Underboss is the second-in-command in the empire and the organizational hierarchy of the crime family. His level of authority varies, but he is ready to stand in for the boss at any given moment. He is the second most powerful man in the crime family, he has power and control over the captains, soldiers and associates, and he runs the bosses and the organizations day-to-day operations and businesses, and keeps all of the capos, soldiers, hit squads, and associates in line, and makes sure that everyone within the crime family does their jobs and follows the bosses commands, and is in makes sure the empire runs smoothly for the boss, and is in charge of keeping track of the organizations finances, operations and businesses, including keeping the money flowing to the boss, and protecting him at all costs. The Boss is the only one that has complete power and authority over the Underboss. If the Boss dies, normally the Underboss would take the reigns as Boss of the crime family, but there have been exceptions. There are normally only one Underboss per crime family, however, in some cases, there are two or even three underbosses, but very rarely are there more than one Underboss in a crime family. During Carlo Gambino's regime as head of the Commission and as boss of the Gambino crime family he had three Underbosses, Aniello Dellacroce, Paul Castellano, and Carmine Fatico. Gambino wanted three Underbosses becasue at that time the Gambino crime family was so massive, the largest criminal organization in the world, with over 100 capos, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers and associates nationwide.


The Boss, the Don, the King, the Dictator, is the head of the organization, the boss is a dictator or king and has the power to order anything and everything from anyone in the entire organization. The Boss rules the organization with an iron fist, he makes all the important decisions, much like a CEO or Chairman of a company would. Although each mafia boss may run his crime family in a different way, they have one thing in common: they are billionaires, multi-billionaires, or mega-billionaires, and they are incredibly powerful, ruthless, extremely dangerous, intelligent, clever, astute, resourceful, greatly respected and widely feared by their subordinates and others. His Underboss, Consigliere, and all of his captains, soldiers, and associates in his organization pay him a tribute, obey any of his orders, and kill for him.

Retrieved from 'https://mafia.wikia.org/wiki/Ranks,_Titles_and_Positions_In_The_Mafia?oldid=42563'

Mafia 2 Gambling Game



Reports indicate that the mafia relies heavily on German online gambling sites to launder money. The police are powerless in the situation due to unclear laws, which the European Court of Justice is now set to review.


Human trafficking, forced prostitution and drugs represent huge sources of revenue for the mafia. A current UN study estimates that organized crime rakes in 2.1 billion dollars (1.56 billion euros) a year. But what use is all of that money if there's no way to put it into legal circulation? That's an essential question for the mafia, which must find ways to shuffle cash back into the legal marketplace.
'Money laundering is no trivial offense. Instead, it represents a key issue for organized crime,' said University of Hamburg economist Ingo Fiedler, who has done extensive research on online gambling, in an interview with DW.
'If there were no money laundering, there wouldn't be a mafia,' he added. Fiedler says that mafia bosses prefer the simplest and cheapest means of putting money earned illegally back into normal circulation, and Internet gambling platforms are just the way to do it.
'Unbelievable' sums changing hands
Bet dirty money, win clean money back. Even money laundering on this scale is losing some of its appeal to the mafia. Ingo Fiedler sees clues that organized crime groups are now trying to buy up online betting arenas or found their own gambling sites. And the websites are often based in tax shelters with favorable privacy laws. When an online casino claims to have taken in millions, it can be difficult for authorities in other countries to verify whether that's so.

Ingo Fiedler: Without money laundering, the mafia can't exist

'There is no exchange of information between the countries,' Fiedler said, adding, 'No one can find out where the money is coming from. But it can be paid out to the casino's owners in a perfectly legal way.'
However, there are signs that the Italian mafia is particularly active in German online gambling forums. In November 2012, a public parliamentary committee hearing was held in which Italian senior public prosecutor Roberto Scarpinato, known for his efforts to unmask the mafia, took questions. Scarpinato said that 'unbelievable' sums of money were flowing between Italy and Germany. He added that 45 mafia whistleblowers had confessed to him that Germany is one of the most sought-after countries for money laundering, with its gambling halls and online gaming venues being favorite targets.
Criticism of German authorities
Swiss money laundering expert Andreas Frank attended the Berlin hearing. Shaking his head about his recollection, he said 'Despite Scarpinato's striking description of the situation, I could see hardly any resonance with the politicians.'
Furthermore, Frank said that there had been basically no reaction since then from the German Finance Ministry, which establishes standards when it comes to stamping out money laundering. For now, the federal government is leaving the problem to the states.
The individual German states took over responsibility for regulating gambling in 2007. That move has had significant consequences. Schleswig-Holstein in northern Germany took a bold step in January 2012 when it declared Internet gambling hosted by EU-based providers legal. A year later, the state tried to backtrack, announcing the end of its law on January 24, 2013. But the gambling licenses that had already been issued cannot be taken back from one day to the next. As such, German players are losing and winning money presently on licensed gambling platforms as well as on black-market or semi-legal sites.


Unclear gambling laws have attracted the mafia to Germany

Andreas Frank is certain that, under the current situation, it will be nearly impossible to do much about money laundering and the mafia's activities. Further, he believes that a December 2012 addition to Germany's money laundering laws is insufficient. The recent change does nothing to address how to stop illegal forms of gambling, Frank said.
Hands tied
In theory, the matter sounds rather simple. Can't German authorities simply control the legal forms of online gambling while aiming to prosecute illegal platforms? That's not the case, according to Sebastian Fiedler of the Federal Union of German detectives, who said, 'We do not have any criminal procedure against illegal Internet games. There are no penalties.'
Due to the lack of both political will and personnel, Fiedler says the illegal gambling market is booming in Germany - while the police are forced to look on powerlessly.
Economist Ingo Fiedler points out one reason for politicians' indecisiveness on the issue: There's uncertainty about whether Germany's already confusing laws on gambling conform to EU standards. The European Court of Justice has ruled that banning gambling can only be done in conjunction with pursuing justified public interests like curbing addiction. Since Germany gave out quite a few gambling licenses in 2012 - even though doing so was limited to the state of Schleswig-Holstein - the European Court of Justice could well cast doubt on the legitimacy of the country's intentions in banning the practice.
Last week, Germany's Federal Court of Justice sent an official petition to the European court. If German laws don't stand up to European judges' scrutiny, then Germany as a whole may have to permit online gambling platforms to operate.

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